Electrical Installation Details and Books


    Every electrical installation consists of distribution circuits, disconnection, consumption and protection devices and weak current circuits.

    The English version of this article is  »  Here

    They consist of conduits, power cables and electrical panels.
    • Power lines and cables
    A conductor is any metal wire, bare or insulated, which is used to carry electricity. Depending on the number of strands or wires, the conductors are divided into single-stranded, less flexible and with a cross-section of up to 16 mm2, and multi-stranded. They are made of copper, aluminum and/or their alloys.
    Conductors are characterized by their core cross-section, which is calculated as follows:
    Single conductor: S = π*d2 / 4 = 0.785*d2

    where  d:  conductor core diameter in mm
    S:  cross section in mm2
    Stranded conductor: S = n* π*d2 / 4 = 0.785*d2 * n

    where  d:  strand diameter in mm
    n:  number of strands, n=1+6=7 (one layer)
    S:  cross section in mm2
    The cables,  Figure 6.3.a , consist of three parts:
    • the conductor, which must have the appropriate cross-section to meet the requirements of the load
    • the insulation, which has an identifying color or code
    • the outer lining, which must withstand mechanical stress
    For the insulation of both the duct and the outer casing, the PVC material is usually used for economic reasons and for reasons of simplicity of construction.
    Cables laid in fixed wiring in conduits may be insulated without an outer sheath.

    Figure 6.3.b shows  the cross-section of a multi-core (3 conductors) and a single-core conductor, respectively, with insulation.

    Figure 6.3.b:  Section of multi-core (3-conductor) and single-core cable with insulation
    The cables of internal electrical installations are made with rigid copper conductors (single-strand or multi-strand) when intended for permanent installation or flexible (thin multi-strand)
    when intended for installations where "mobility" of the cables is required. Twisted strands are more flexible and the conductor cross-section ranges from 4mm2-25mm2 and consists of seven strands. For a conductor cross-section over 25mm2 the strands are over seven and this number depends on its cross-section.
    The minimum permissible cross-sections of copper conductors in E.U.E. are shown in  Table 6.5 .

    Table 6.5:  Minimum permissible cross-sections of copper conductors in E.U.E.
    The coloring of the wires,  Figure 6.4 , is determined as follows:
    • Single-phase: brown for the phase, blue for the neutral and yellow-green for the ground
    • Three phases: brown, black and gray the three phases, blue the neutral and yellow-green the ground

    Figure 6.4:  Coloration of conductors-cables
    The most important types of conductors according to the German VDE 0472 standardization are:
    a) NGA conductors.
    These conductors have elastic insulation (rubber) and carry a tinned copper wire so that the copper does not come into contact with the rubber and a chemical reaction is created. NGA conductors are single-core up to 16mm2 cross-section and multi-core for larger cross-sections.
    The insulation of the NGA conductor withstands up to 60° C. NGA conductors are used in installations in dry areas and temperatures below 60° C.
    b) NYA conductors.
    These pipes have thermoplastic insulation that withstands up to 75°C.
    NYA conductors today have almost replaced NGA conductors.
    The use of NYAs is broad.
    Advantages of these pipes are the great mechanical and thermal resistance. Their disadvantage is the lack of resistance of their insulation at low temperatures.
    NYA conductors are used in all cases where NGA conductors are used. They can also be used in wet or outdoor areas.
    • Electrical Panels
    The electrical panel,  Figure 6.5 , is the electrical component used in the E.U.E. to make it possible on the one hand to interrupt the voltage and isolate the installation, on the other hand to secure the lines that start from the panel and end up at the consumptions. The electrical panel is that point of the E.U.E. in which the responsibility of the electricity supplier ends and the responsibility of the electrical installer begins.

    Figure 6.5:  Household Electrical Panels
    The table contains:
      Differential Current Leakage Switch, D.D.E. (Anti-electric shock switch): it is a leakage switch, which protects the installation and people against electric shock in case of electric current leakage.
      Master switch.
      General safety.
      Some bipolar switches: to interrupt current on a single line.
      Some fuses: to protect each line from short-circuit.
      Indicator lights.
      Neutral bar: (blue color) all the neutral conductors of the installation are connected there.
    • Earthing bar: (color yellow-green) all the protection conductors of the electrical installation are connected. 
    Table rails 

    Electrical panels can be categorized according to purpose, placement, construction material and/or type of installation, as described below:
    Depending on the purpose they serve:
      General panels: for the entire installation.
      Some tables or sub-tables: for part of the installation or a device.
    Depending on their placement:
      External/wall panels.
      Embedded tables.
    Depending on their construction material:
      Plastic panels.
      Metal panels.
    Depending on the type of installation:
      Single-phase panels.
      Three-phase panels.
    • Termination Provisions
      • Light switches
      Point lighting switches are switches that serve lighting circuits. They are manufactured, by the various companies, in accordance with international regulations and in such a way as to show resistance over time and resistance to mechanical stress. They also provide a high degree of protection, excluding any contact with a conductive part.
      The control switches of the lighting points are always connected to the phase and never to the neutral of the supply circuit of the lighting points.
      • Spot light switches are divided into:
    Depending on their  mode of operation  :
      Key switches.
      Rotary switches.

    Figure 6.6:  Simple pushbutton switch
    The use of push-button switches has become more prevalent due to their ease of use and the aesthetics they offer.
    Depending on their  placement  :
      Recessed switches: they are placed in boxes that are under the plaster of the walls.
      External switches: placed externally on the wall.
    Depending on their  tightness  :
      Tight switches: for wet, wet and outdoor areas.
      Simple switches: for dry interiors.
    Depending on their  use  :
      Simple switches ( Figure 6.6 ). They control a lighting point or a group of lighting points from a specific position. They are used wherever it is necessary to control lighting points from one position, e.g. exterior lights, bathroom, etc.

    Figure 6.7:  Sequence switch or commutator (key)
      Sequence switches or commutators ( Figure 6.7 ). They control two independent lighting points or two groups of lighting points from the same position. They are used in living rooms, dining rooms, etc.
      Toggle switches or extreme alle-retours: These control a lighting point or a group of lighting points, from two different positions, (that's why we talk about extreme alle-retours). They are used where the control of lighting points from two different positions is required, such as rooms, corridors, stairwells, etc.
      Medium toggle switches or alle-retrou: When we want to control a lighting point or a group of lighting points from three or more positions, we use medium alle-retrou. The two extreme switches are alle-retour extreme and the rest are medium.
      Double toggle switches or double alle-retour switches: These control two lighting points or two groups of lighting points from two different positions.
      Simple switch with light indicator: the indicator light helps to determine the position of the switch.
      Button: closes the circuit for as long as the button is pressed.
      Double button: for operating electric blinds, awnings, etc. (up-down operation).
    •  Button with light indicator: for the operation of the lights in the stairwells of apartment buildings.
    Figure 6.8: Dimmer switches .
      Light intensity regulators (dimmer), to adjust the intensity of lighting in a room ( Figure 6.8 ). In general, for the placement of the switches, we must know that they must be placed in such places as to make the operation of the electrical installation easy, functional, elegant, but respecting all the regulations for safe operation. Also, regardless of the type and placement of the switch, it must be properly secured so that there is no chance of it becoming detached during use, which poses a risk of electric shock.
    • Power Switches
    A. Circuit Breakers
    Automatic switches ( Figure 6.9 ), are Circuit Breakers (CI) which automatically open the circuit in a predetermined time if the current of the circuit they protect exceeds a predetermined value. They protect against overload and short circuits and consist of an IC and a thermal element or relay that commands the IC to open.
    Response time:
      for overload: seconds – minutes (depending on the current),
      for short circuit: 10ms – 100ms, when the current exceeds a predetermined value.
    Circuit breakers can be connected to undervoltage or overvoltage relays to protect motors.
    Depending on the device they protect, they are divided into:
      line and device automatic switches (micro-automatic).
      automatic motor switches.
      automatic circuit breakers for distribution facilities.

    Figure 6.9:  Automatic power switches of the ABB company.
    B. Panel switches and indicator lights
    Panel switches, Figure 6.10, are power switches that are used to break and reconnect the circuits of indoor electrical installations. It is rail material and has specific dimensions (each simple element has dimensions of height 53mm, width 17.5mm). The switch contacts are closed when their operating lever is at the upper point (mark I) and open when their operating lever is at the lower point (marked O).
    Panel switches are characterized by:
      The maximum operating intensity in amperes (A).
      The operating voltage in volts (V).
      The number of interrupting conductors (monopolar, bipolar, three-polar, quadrupolar).
    Depending on the number of conductors they interrupt or connect, they are distinguished into:
      Unipolar: They interrupt only one conductor, the phase, of a single-phase electrical circuit they control. They are also placed in bipolar branches, from which electrical supplies with a power of no more than 1.5 kW are fed.

    Figure 6.10:  Table Switches
      Bipolar: They interrupt two conductors, the phase and the neutral of a single-phase electrical circuit that they control. They are used to supply electrical consumption with a power greater than 1.5kW (electric cookers, water heaters, washing machines, etc.).
     Three-  pole: They interrupt three conductors, the three phases, of a three-phase electrical circuit they control, in domestic or industrial installations.
     Four-  pole: They interrupt four conductors, the three phases and the neutral, of a three-phase electrical circuit they control, in domestic or industrial installations.

    Figure 6.11:  Shape and symbols of an indicator light
    Regarding the indicator lights/lamps,  Figure 6.11 , these are used to indicate the operation of the line (the presence of voltage or to indicate the operation of the device). They are rail materials with specific dimensions and they are placed in tables. Their colors vary without imposing a specific color for each case of their use.
    • Timers
    Timers are switch mechanisms that automatically activate and connect or disconnect lighting circuits or other devices, such as electric motors, ventilation systems, electric heating installations, etc. They operate on a scheduled basis with various time schedules on an hourly, daily or weekly basis.
    The timers are manufactured by the various companies in two types, which may or may not have a backup function, that is, the possibility of continuous operation even in the event of a power failure, for a period of time, even for 100 hours.
    These types of timers are:
      The analog timers,  Figure 6.12 : Their operation is based on the property of the synchronous motor, which they carry inside, to rotate with a fixed number of revolutions, when the mains frequency is fixed. A disc with time divisions is fitted on the motor shaft. The time of one complete revolution of the disc is fixed and constitutes the duration of the timer's time programming.

    Figure 6.12:  Analog timer
      The digital timers, Figure 6.13: Their operation is achieved with electronic (integrated) circuits, which they carry inside. All indications related to their operating program are displayed digitally on a screen located above the timer.
    A key characteristic of both types of timers is the minimum possible setting of the time interval between the stop command and the command to connect the load to the power supply circuit, which can be of the order of a few seconds.

    Figure 6.13:  Digital timer
    The consumption provisions of a U.N. include lighting points, electrical devices and/or motors.
    • Lighting outfits
    Lighting fixtures, as consumption devices, consume power proportional to the number and type of bulb(s) they use. Listed below are some of the types of lamps.
    A. Incandescent Lamps
    The first incandescent light bulb,  Figure 6.14 , was built in the 1870s by Thomas Edison.
    The incandescent lamp consists of the following parts:
      the glass casing,
      the metal base,
      the electrodes,
      the tungsten filament,
      the filament supports and
      the glass electrode support.

    Figure 6.14:  Incandescent light bulb
    B. Halogen lamps
    In their effort to increase the efficiency as well as the life of incandescent lamps, researchers developed quartz-iodine lamps, known as halogen lamps,  Figure 6.15 . Halogen lamps are an improvement over incandescent lamps.

    Figure 6.15:  Halogen lamps
    C. Fluorescent lamps
    Fluorescent lamps are gas discharge lamps that use electricity to excite mercury vapor. These lamps come in various shapes and sizes, the most common being the tube (used for office and shop lighting) and the compact fluorescent lamp (used for home lighting),  Figure 6.16 . They are manufactured in standard lengths (the straight ones) and diameters (the circular ones) and for mains voltages of 230 V and 110 V.
    The tube of these lamps contains two filaments, gases, nitrogen, argon and a drop of mercury. Also, internally the tube is coated with a fluorescent substance, which is usually a very toxic thorium compound.

    Figure 6.16:  Fluorescent Lamp
    D. LED lamp
    Light Emitting Diode (LED),  Figure 6.17 , is a semiconductor that emits narrow-spectrum light when a forward-biased electrical voltage is applied to it. The color of light emitted depends on the chemical composition of the semiconductor material used and can be UV, visible or infrared. Usually, circuits are used to power the LEDs so that the current passing through them is intermittent, thus reducing the energy consumption of the lamp, at such a high frequency, that the phenomenon is not immediately perceived by the human eye.

    Figure 6.17:  LED lamp
    E. Arc lamp
    The so-called arc lamps,  Figure 6.18 , are special lamps containing mainly metal vapors and perhaps auxiliary some noble gas. Their electrodes work "in heat". The heating is initially carried out with a special circuit that is automatically interrupted as soon as the lamp starts radiating, in which case the heating is maintained by the current of the arc or they are heated by the arc itself which starts in the form of a glow and which is formed due to the gas contained in the tubing.
    The heating of these lamps, although lower than that of incandescent lamps, becomes necessary both for the evaporation of the metal they contain, which is usually mercury (Hg) or sodium (Na), and for the limited surface area of ​​the electrodes in order to emit easy electrons.

    Figure 6.18:  Arc lamps
    • Electrical devices
    A. Electric Kitchen
    An electric cooker is called a device designed for cooking food. Ranges rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may contain an oven, which is used for baking. Electric current is used to produce the required heat and the power of such a device is approximately 5000 Watts.
    B. Electric Water Heater
    An electric water heater is a device that produces hot water. The electrical energy is converted into heat through a resistor and the heat produced heats the water inside a container. When the temperature exceeds a value (depending on the setting) the circuit is interrupted. The power of a standard water heater is approximately 4000 W. Both the solar water heater can function as an electric water heater when the solar energy is not sufficient to heat the water and it is designed as such a double energy, as well as the boiler when either the solar energy or the energy due to central heating circuit is not sufficient for heating the water and is designed as such triple energy. Another type of water heater can be considered instantaneous heaters (fast water heaters) whose power is around 1800 Watts.
    C. Electric Washing Machine
    A device for washing clothes that uses an electric resistance to heat the water and a motor to rotate its bucket with a power of about 3700 Watts.
    D. Heat accumulator
    The principle of operation of thermal accumulators is based on the storage of the thermal energy which has come from the economical night electricity and its exploitation during the whole day. In this way energy and money savings are achieved.
    The operation of thermal accumulators is simple and is based on two parameters: charging and discharging.
    The charge is related to the "amount" of electrical energy that we want to store in the body.
    Discharge is related to the energy we "take" from the body in the form of heat. The power of a domestic water heater can reach 6000 Watts.
    E. Air conditioner
    It is an electrical device that, with the supply of electricity, can heat or cool a room with a power ranging from 500Watt to 2500Watt.
    All the above devices must be connected to the electrical panel of the house with their own separate lines and secured accordingly. Portable or mobile devices with lower consumption such as televisions, computers, etc. they can be fed through common power supply lines.
    From the existing protection devices, in the context of the electrical plan, we will refer to the Differential Voltage Leakage Switch (DDE) or "Anti-electric shock switch", the fuses and the device lightning protection mechanism.
    • Differential Voltage Breakout Switch
    The Differential Voltage Breakout Switch (D.D.E) or anti-electric shock switch,  Figure 6.19  is the device which, when a current leakage to earth occurs for any reason, automatically causes it to stop. It therefore protects against electric shock, since this is a leakage of current to earth through the human body. This switch constantly compares the voltage of the phase and neutral conductors and when their difference becomes greater than 30 mA, then "assuming leakage to earth" through a relay causes a general shutdown.

    Figure 6.19:  Voltage Leakage Differential Switch
    For the operation of such a D.D.E switch to be effective, it must be located at the beginning of the circuit it protects. For this reason, it is placed at the beginning of the distribution board of an EEE immediately after the general switch and the general fuse and thus protects the greater part of the board.
    • Insurances
    A fuse is a device used to protect the lines of electrical installations. It is a metal thread inserted into the line it protects. This thread overheats and melts, interrupting the circuit, when the current exceeds a certain value for a certain time. If a significant increase in current beyond the permitted limits is caused in an electrical installation line, i.e. overcurrent or excessive and sudden increase in current i.e. short circuit, then there is a risk of developing high temperatures.
    The result of these high temperatures is to melt and destroy the insulation of the pipes with the possible consequence of causing a fire. For these reasons, a fuse is placed at the beginning of each line to cut off the current supply when it exceeds the permitted value. Also, the fuse always goes into the phase conductor. It is not allowed to be placed on the grounding conductor and the neutral.
    Fuses are the cheapest and most reliable means of protection against short-circuit currents. They also provide line overload protection. In terms of construction, the fuses are divided into screw and knife fuses. Their main property is the high breaking capacity combined with the limitation of the short-circuit current.
    Fuses today are divided into two types according to their mode of operation: fuses and automatic fuses.
    A. Fuses
    It is the oldest, most reliable and simplest type of fuse and is widely used in vehicle electrical circuits, but also has widespread domestic use. A small conductor (thin wire) is enclosed in an insulating casing made of porcelain, glass or plastic (cartridge), whose physical characteristics are designed to withstand up to a certain current intensity. One end of the wire ends in a colored indicator which indicates, depending on its color, the nominal operating current of the fuse. When the receiver stays in place it means the fuse is in good condition. Table  6.6  presents the fuses according to their nominal operating intensity.

    Table 6.6:  Rated current of fuses
    The fuses,  Figure 6.20  depending on the type of protection they are called to offer must have the corresponding capabilities and degree of sensitivity. For example, the protection needed by a lighting circuit is different from that needed by a circuit with motors or electronic components.
    Each fuse has the following characteristics:
      Nominal current
      Operating voltage
     Operating  characteristic of the fuse

    Figure 6.20:  Fuses

    B. Automatic fuses
    Automatic fuses ,  Figure 6.21 , have a different construction than fuses, but they also interrupt the supply in case of overcurrent or short circuit, in a similar way. After the interruption, however, we do not need to replace them, but simply "lift" the controller and the power supply is restored.
    They consist of an electromagnetic element (relay) and a bimetallic element (thermal). The electromagnetic element interrupts in the event of a short circuit very quickly (centimeters or even milliseconds), while the bimetallic interrupts in the event of an overcurrent with a delay of a few seconds or even minutes, depending on the overcurrent.
    Because there is a small chance that they will stick and do not provide protection for very large short-circuit currents (3000 A and above), we must place a fuse as a general fuse of the panel, and not an automatic fuse.

    Figure 6.21:  Auto Safety
    In  Table 6.7  we see the most used automatic fuses according to their rated voltage.

    Table 6.7:  Rated current of automatic fuses
    Depending on the number of poles they interrupt, they are divided into single-pole and three-pole fuses. Single-pole ones are used in single-phase lines and interrupt the phase conductor, while three-pole ones are used in three-phase lines and interrupt all three phases at the same time.
    Like fuses, automatic fuses are characterized by:
      The nominal (maximum) operating current
      The time-current characteristic
      The operating voltage
    Table  6.8  shows the cross-section of the conductors and the fuses used per supply line.

    Table 6.8:  Cross-sections and fuses of supply lines
    • Lightning Protection Devices
    Frequent lightning strikes may create anomalies in the electricity provider's (PPC) network, resulting in a surge of voltage reaching the input of the electrical panel and "damaging" the electronic devices installed in the respective house. The lightning protection mechanism is designed to contain these surges. Its relative cost on the board is certainly less than the property damage such an event could cause.

    In an Internal Electrical Installation (E.E.E.) in addition to the supply circuits of the various machines and consumer devices, which are called high current circuits, we also have weak current circuits. In high current circuits the intensities of the circulating currents normally reach several amperes and are usually derived from voltages of at least 50V. In weak current circuits the intensities of the circulating currents are only a few milliamperes and come from voltages less than 50V. The sources used to power the low current circuits are low power transformers, inverters, rectifiers and battery banks. In these circuits it is not possible to develop and maintain a short-circuit current dangerous to the lines or devices,
    The minimum cross-section limit of fixed conductors in a visible installation is 0.5mm2 for copper conductors with plastic insulation and placed in plastic pipes. These conductors are protected by special low current fuses placed on the secondary winding of the transformers.
    The weak current facilities of the buildings include:
    telecommunications facilities (telephone and teletype), wireless communication - paging, intercom facilities, electro-acoustic facilities (address and translation), signaling and control facilities, fire detection facilities, security facilities (entry control, burglary and night guard), central clock facilities, audiovisual facilities communication, radio and television signal receiving antenna installation and radio and television signal distribution installation.
    There are many varieties of weak current installations and the wiring diagrams needed in each case are given by the manufacturers of these systems.



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     Internal electrical installations electrical study

     Design of intelligent Electrical Installation

     Electrical and phototechnical study of a maisonette electrical

     Study – Design and Construction of electrical installation

     Bachelor thesis with title: internal electrical installation

     Electrical - IME GSEVEE

     Internal Electrical Installations - eugenidos foundation


    The Internet addresses of the main manufacturers of electrical equipment

    ABB  // Automation and power distribution materials //  www.abb.gr
     // Automation and power distribution materials //  www.elfa.gr
     // Automation and power distribution materials //  www.ab.com
     // Floats – Floats //  www.atmi.fr
     // Anti-Explosion Materials //  www.egsatx.com
     // Transformers //  www.gruppoaturia.com
     // Automation Materials //  www.autonics.com

    BENEDICT & JAGER  // Relays – Thermals – Switches //  www.bnj-usa.com
     // Power Switches //  www.breter.it


    CABLEL  // Cables – Winding wire //  www.cablel.gr
     // Connection – Terminals – Marking //  www.cabur.it
     // Connection materials //  www.dsg-canusa.com
     // Cooling – Heating Automation //  www.carel.com
     // Automation Materials //  www.carlogavazzi.eu
     // Connection – Terminals Tips //  www.cembre.com
    CEME  // Solenoid Valves //  www.ceme.com
    CENTRAL  // Network Products //  www.central-telecom.gr

     // Automation and power distribution materials //  en.chint.com
     // Automation switching material //  www.comepi.it
     // Electric motors – Inverters //  www.controltechniques.com
     // Automation and power distribution materials //  www.crouzet-usa.com

    DANFOSS DRIVES  // Measuring instruments – Relays – Inverters //  www.danfoss.com
     // Control detection control instruments //  www.deltaohm.com
     // Fuses, bases, etc. //  www.df-sa.es

    ELAN  // Automation Materials – Switching Hardware //  www.elan.de
     // Cable Fittings – Spirals //  www.elematiccablingsystems.com 
     // Automation Materials //  www.newelfin.com
    ELKO EP 
     // Automation Materials //  www .elkoep.com
     // Sensors – Switches //  www.elobau.com
     // Digital Instruments – Frequency, Voltage, Current, Power //  www.elspec-ltd.com
     // X/T Transformers //  www. emmis.gr
     // Channels – Mounting accessories – Rails //  www.erico.com
     // Tables – Cabinets //  www.eta.it
     // Measuring instruments //  www.everycontrol.com
     // Y/T transformers //  www.schneider-electric.gr

    FANCOM  // Cooling – Heating Automation //  www.fancom.com
     // Automation Materials //  www.fanox.com
     // PLC – Communication Monitors //  www.fatek.com
     // Air System Automation //  www. festo.com
     // Relays – Timers //  www.findernet.com
     // Measurement, Level //  www.fine-tek.com
     // Cables //  www.fulgor.gr

    GAVE  // Switches – Fuses – Bases //  www.gave.com
     // Electrical hardware //  www.geindustrial.com
     // Instruments temperature, time, counters //  www.gefran.com
    GEROS // Suppressors 
     – Fittings – Panels //  www.geros.it
     // Electrical hardware //  www.gewiss.com
     // Electrical hardware //  www.geyer.gr
     // Installation channels & perforated //  www.ggk-online.de

    HAGER  // Electrical hardware //  www.hager.gr
     // Support systems – Marking //  www.hellermanntyton.co.uk
    HI BOX 
     // Construction boxes //  www.dsehibox.com
     // Switching hardware //  www. highly.com
     // Panels – Cabinets //  www.himelenclosures.com
     // Automation Materials //  www.hiquel.com
     // Sensors – Measuring Instruments //  www.hubacontrol.com

    ILME  // Connection – Plug //  www.ilme.com
     // Measuring Instruments //  www.imeitaly.com
     // Automation Materials //  www.imopc.com
     // Measuring Instruments //  www.intertime.com. tr
     // Inverters //  www.invertek.co.uk
     // Inverters //  www.invtdrive.com
     // Electrical Hardware //  www.iskra-mis.si
     // Electrical Hardware //  www. idec.com

    JOKAB SAFETY  // Safety automation materials //  www.jokabsafety.com
     // Sensors – Measuring instruments //  www.jumo.de

    KARL ENGHOFER  // Terminals – Tips //  www.enghofer.de
     // Electric Motors – Inverters //  www.keb-uk.co.uk
     // Optical Detection Systems //  www.keyence.co.uk
     // Sensors //  www.klay-instruments.com
     // Plastic Structured Installation //  www.kouvidis.gr
     // Cam Switches //  www.krausnaimer.com
     // Measuring Instruments – Remote Controls //  www.cronos -electronics.gr

    LA SONORA  // Sirens – Beacons //  www.lasonora.it
     // Sensors – Measuring instruments //  www.lae-electronic.com
     // Electric motors – Inverters //  www.leeson.com
     // Electrical hardware //  www.legrand.com.gr
     // Electric motors – Inverters //  www.lenze.co.uk
     // Tables – Cabinets //  www.lohmeier.de
     // Electrical equipment //  www.lovatoelectric.com
     // Electric motors – Inverters //  www.leroy-somer.com

    MAC 3  // Floats //  www.mac3.it
     // Power Supplies //  www.meanwell.com
     // Plugs //  www.mennekes.com
     // Power Distribution Materials //  www. schneider-electric.gr
     // PLC – Communication screens – Inverters //  www.mitsubishi-automation.co.uk
     // Electrical hardware //  www.moeller.net
     // Measuring instruments //  www.multitek-ltd. com

    NEXANS  // Cables //  www.nexans.gr

    OEZ  // Automation and power distribution materials //  www.oez.com
    OLYMBIA ELECTRONICS  // Control devices – Detectors //  www.olympia-electronics.gr

     // Automation and power distribution materials //  omron-industrial.com
     // Timers – Measuring instruments //  www.orbis.es

    PALAZZOLI  // Panels – Switches – Fuse holders //  www.palazzoli.it PANASONIC // PLC – Communication screens – Servomotors // www.pewa.panasonic.com PEMSA //
     –  Suppressors  //  www.pemsa-rejiband.com PFANNENBERG  // Coolers – Cabinet heaters //  www.pfannenberg.de PHOENIX CONTACT  // Connection materials – Marking //  www.phoenixcontact.com PIL  // Sensors – Level controllers //  www.pil.de POLA  // Cooling – Heating Automation / /  www.pola.it POWER ELECTRONICS CONTROL  // Measuring instruments – Remote controls //  www.pelc.gr POWER-IO

     // Electronic Relays //  www.power-io.com
     // Communication Monitors //  www.pro-face.com

    RECHNER  // Sensors //  www.rechner.com
     // Microrelays – Bases //  www.releco.es
     // Dynamo cells //  www.revere.cc
     // Sensors – Measuring instruments //  www.rhomberg. com.au
     // Measuring instruments //  www.ringel.gr
     // Tables – Cabinets //  www.rittal.com

    SCAME  // Plugs – Sockets //  www.scame.com
     // Automation switching equipment //  www.schlegel.biz
     // Automation equipment – ​​Switching equipment //  www.elan.de
     // Electrical equipment //  www .schneider-electric.gr
     // Automation materials //  www.schrack.com SCHYLLER  // Plugs – Sockets //  www.schyller.com SEIFERT  // Panel cooling systems //  www.seifert-mtmsystems.de SENSOPART  // Sensors – Inductive switches //  www.sensopart.com SEW-EURODRIVE  // Electric motors – Inverters // 

     // Space Surveillance Systems – Laser //  www.sick.de
     // Electrical Hardware //  www.siemens.de
     // Air Systems Automation //  www.smc.eu
     // Electrical Hardware //  www.schneider-electric.us
     // Voltage Transformers – Monitors //  www.ce-transduser.com
     // Sensors – Measuring Instruments – Lasers //  sunx.jp

    TEAFLEX  // Metal structured installation //  www.teaflex.com
     // Terminals //  www.tekox.es
     // Automation Materials //  www.schneider-electric.gr
     // Switching material //  www.tend. com.tw
    THERMEK  // Resistors //  www.thermek.com.gr
     // Power Relays & Thermals //  www.togami-elec.co.jp
     // Inverters //  www.toshiba.com

    VARVEL  // Electric motors //  www.varvel.com
     // Electric motors //  www.vascat.es
     // Measuring instruments //  www.vemer.it
     // Channels – Plastic structured installation //  www.viokar.gr
     // PLC – Communication screens //  www.vipa.de

    WAGO PLC  // Connection materials – Terminals //  www.wago.us
     // Plugs – Power supplies //  www.waltherelectric.com
     // Plugs – Power supplies //  www.walther-werke.de
     // Electric motors – Inverters  //  www.weg.net
     // Communication screens  //  www.weintek.com
     // Sirens – Beacons //  www.werma.com

    YASKAWA  // Inverters //  www.yaskawa.com
     // Sensors – Measuring Instruments //  www.yokogawa.com

    Re blog

    https://electricalnews.gr /texnika-arthra/ilektrikes-egkatastaseis/ilektroologikes-egkatastaseis/item/684-ilektrikes-egkatastaseis-katoikion-vima-vima
    https://docplayer.gr/5414303-Im-egkatastaseis-vasikes-ilektroologikes-ennoies.html https :/ /docplayer.gr/8774592-Esoterikes-ilektrikes-egkatastaseis-i-ergastirio.html
    https: //www.wurth.gr/uploads217/images/entypa/HLEKTROLOGOS_JAN_2017_LOW_(1).pdf
    https://www.lemonbook.gr/uploads/ 1392498123.pdf
    http://digilib.teiemt.gr/jspui/bitstream/123456789/ 2018/1/012014244.pdf
    http://okeanis.lib.puas.gr/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/799/ hlg_00696.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
    https://www. ebooks4greeks.gr/2011.Download_free-ebooks/kathighths/Eidikes_Hlektrikes_Egkatastaseis_B__Downloaded_f_eBooks4Greeks.gr.pdf
    http://repository.library.teimes.gr / links http://technicaldrawing.mouroutsos.net/designs/electrical/symbols/
    http://papers.uth.gr/ekp_yliko/pdf http://polydomiki.gr/uploads/549altherma_egkatastash_LOW_TEMP_11-16KW.pdfhttp://mastrohalastis.blogspot.com/2013/03/blog-post_20.html https://www.hlektronika.gr/forum/showthread.php?t =42273 https://oaedhlectrologoi.blogspot.com/