Wiring wiring electrical home panel

SINGLE PHASE HOUSE TABLE Multiline single-phase panel of 4 lines

Monogrammed single-phase table of 11 lines

Multiline three-phase board of 4 lines

Monogrammed three-phase board of 13 lines
Finally, see the types of electrical panels

Let's see a monogrammed drawing and a sketch of what the painting of Angelos should be based on what the electrician has put in his house ...

1) The panel could be 3 rows and contain the following: General switch, General fuses, departures (fuses before the relay) for the floor panels, ground floor leakage relay, ground floor fuses
2) The same, with the difference that the floor facilities could be three-phase for better load distribution (if we have three-phase let us take advantage of it)! 
3) Floor panels must contain at least a General switch and general safety. If due to economy, the customer did not want a leakage relay, let it only enter the general ground floor, provided that the floor facilities would be inside a ground floor relay, so in any case at least in terms of electric shock, the consumer would be quiet . In this case, the only downside is that if at some point the relay fell from a leak on the 2nd floor, we would have to go downstairs to raise the relay! 
4) All 3, but with the addition of a leakage relay to each sub-panel. Thus, the installation would be complete and we would not have to go downstairs in case of a leak.
In one case today, I was replacing parts on a customer panel and found that the projector supply (HQI 400w) was disturbed! That is .... the cable that gave power to the projector was the yellow cable of a NYM 3x2.5 !!! Black was removed! Apparently it had a leak or something and the wretch thought to use the ground wire to send power to the projector !! Of course, the relay was NOT on the board! Otherwise it is mandatory by law. 

Return again to Mr. Angelos. However, we are happy that there are other cases like Angelos. That is, the consumer reads, understands what he is reading has a basis and decides to buy or make something he has read and it is about his safety. We are also even happier that the type A leakage relay is understood by readers on this page. We try to write them as simply as possible so that they are completely understandable. Differential currents and DC components and other such expressions do not help the reader decide what he wants. In fact, I think it overcomes it immediately! We have to explain in much simpler words, why we are read by consumers, not just electricians. Here, if we start with the twisted and coordinated components ... even the electricians will not understand much! 
I also hope this is an example to follow. Let us know the problem and put it in the program for later, depending on the severity of the problem. 

The current voltage arrangement in the single-phase panel (does not include melting) and is as follows:
1. Typical economical table with cost of materials at about 70 euros.
 Typical GACIA table of 2 rows with:
✔️  3 x c10A fuses
✔️  2 x c16A fuses
Ασφάλεια  General safety c32A

✔️  Safety - kitchen switch - water heater

✔️ Relays Escape 2 x 40A

2. Exactly the same but with more expensive ABB materials and a difference of +28 euros approximately.
Standard ABB table of 2 rows with:
✔️  3 x c10A fuses
✔️  2 x c16A fuses
Ασφάλεια  General safety c32A

✔️  Security - kitchen switch - heater
✔️ Relays Escape 2 x 40A