Water heater - Installation of electric water heater - faults in the water heater

Water heater - analysis - advice - safety of electrical installations
We all know what a water heater is, the device that heats water in our home or in any space. There are many types of water heaters such as: simple, solar and triple energy.
The simple water heater is the one that almost all of us have in our homes or in a small business space, which in order to heat our water, definitely needs electricity. This "simple" water heater is produced in different types and in different capacities. We will talk about the 3 most popular, which are made for homes and the most common capacity is 80 liters.
Do not rush to close the page and think: '' me? I know what a water heater is and what it does ''. Below you will read several details about water heaters and tips on what to do in many cases as well as the correct way of handling and much more ...
So let's look at the main types of water heaters which are:
The horizontal (floor) ...

  The horizontal pendant ...

and the vertical ...

So, we will place the Floor in a loft (untouched) ...
the horizontal one hanging somewhere high on the wall in a horizontal position only ...
and the vertical one only in an upright position, again somewhere high on our wall ...

Due to the construction, we can not place a vertical water heater in the attic, that is, lying down. And unlike the horizontal construction, we can not use it with upright support. The reason this is done is because the water pipes entering the water heater have a specific direction!
A little natural for water heaters ...   we will notice in the following figures (note this is the most important) that the hot water pipe (always red) is always at the highest point of the boiler. This is due to physics, as we know (most of us at least) the hot masses always rise and the cold ones "fall" down !! So in a water heater, where we turn on the switch on our electrical panel to heat the water, as soon as the water starts to heat up, the amount of water that is heated goes up to the top of the water heater and the cold that was up goes down and "gives" its place in the heat !!
So, when we open our tap, it will immediately draw the hot water from the cauldron while the cold one will start to enter again from the blue pipe. For this reason after a while, while the water is running, we notice that the water cools. It does not get cold, just cold water enters the boiler, mixes with the hot and the temperature drops slowly. The hotter we consume, the more liters of cold enter the cauldron.
For these reasons we will notice in the figures that in all types of water heaters, the hot pipe is always up.
We will observe in the following figures what the inside of a water heater is and you will understand why this happens ...
Horizontal water heater (classic)
Imagine that this water heater is "lying" in our attic. In this water heater we will notice that the pipes have inlet and outlet from the water heater from the upper side. You see that the water outlet (red) just enters the boiler. So as soon as the water heats up, we will only draw the hot one until it is finished, ie until the cold fills the cauldron again.
Horizontal hanging ...
It is ONLY placed horizontally and on the wall. There is no other way of installation except ...... if we start our patents and turn it 180 degrees !! So if we turn it 180 degrees and find two stops so that it does not roll, then we are close to the success of the patent !!! But there come the tubes that we will notice that in the case of the patent will be ..... the blue on top and the red in the background !! There the patenter comes again and does the following simple. Installs (outside the water heater) the inlet and outlet pipes upside down !!! Anyway, do not base yourself on the "patent", I just mentioned that there is a solution for mastoranza.
horizontal creams
And we move to the vertical. This type of water heater is always installed and ONLY hanging on the wall in an upright position. We will notice that in this case, the hot pipe rises to the top of the inside of the boiler. Why did we say that? To draw the hot water we want from above. Can we place him lying down? NO !! If a "technician" is found to place it untouched, we will NEVER have hot water, even for three months if we leave the water heater switch open on our panel. Because the hot water will remain trapped at the top of the boiler!

A few words in general about water heaters - Tips
Water heaters also have electrical parts of course. How else would they heat the water? So we have a water heater that consists of the boiler that we saw in infinite photos falsify as well as it has the following "accessories" ...
Electrical resistance
There are many types of resistors, but only one works for your water heater. This will be seen by the technician who will one day come for a replacement.
Electrical resistance is the component that .... raises the current bills. It is a component that is "responsible" for the heating of our water as well as for many explosions when we forget the switch of the water heater open. Without it, hot water ... yoke !! The resistors come in different types, sizes, power, etc. It depends on the capacity of each boiler and each manufacturer. They can start from 1500Watt in small water heaters of 10 - 15 liters, reach the 4000Watt that is in most home water heaters and in some cases, go even higher in power, which can reach or even exceed 12000watt in several cases!
Tip: Do not leave the water heater on forever (as some clever people claim) that it burns less electricity. However, they did not tell you that if some circumstances occur then ..... cry Charalambos, we will explain below why !! Half an hour with three quarters, is enough for the water to reach the desired temperature, for a couple of people to take a bath and even with a waste of water.
The thermostat is the electrical component that controls the temperature of the water in the boiler, at which point it instructs the resistor to stop heating the water again. Do you know how important a thermostat is to a water heater? THE MOST IMPORTANT !!! If we consider that we do not put a thermostat in a water heater (criminal act), we go and turn on the water heater and forget to turn it on !!! Then in the best case, our house will be filled with water because with the increase of the pressure the safety valve will open !!! And to take the completely extreme? The safety valve also blocks! What will happen then? Then we have the hydrogen bomb effect. The boiler can be found three blocks away by drilling a hole in the wall for its heroic exit from your apartment.

The thermostat therefore has two buttons on it. One is the temperature regulator and the other is the thermal one.
We try not to put the regulator at the end, which usually shows 80 degrees. A setting of 60 degrees is enough for a couple to bathe in a waste of water, otherwise our body can not withstand 80, we will get burns.
The thermal button does not do anything, it just exists in the thermostat for safety reasons. If the thermostat starts and plays, then the heat drops (is thrown out)! Then other smart people press it and the water heater works again and they forget it like this .... this tells us that the thermostat needs to be replaced. We need to replace him as soon as possible.
It is good that the thermostats are bipolar (four contacts). This so that they cut both phase and neutral, as well as the bipolar water heater switch on our electrical panel.
Safety valve
The safety valve is a very important component (hydraulic) which controls the water pressure. It is always placed in the cold pipe and is usually on the water heater when buying it.
It is made in such a way that when the boiler raises the pressure more, it will open, as a result of which we will fill water in the house or in the attic. But this is good, because if it did not exist we would face many problems like the ones we mentioned above. It has been observed that the safety valve will open in two ways: If the water supply network has high pressure at the point where we are or if the thermostat is stuck in ..... open! As a result, the water pressure in the boiler rises a lot.
All valves are made non-return. That is, if the water supply network is cut for any reason, do not empty the water from the water heater.
The anode is a "controversial" component! It is neither electric (it is not supplied with electricity) nor hydraulic (it does not take water). It is a component that is placed on the resistor (extra say) which protects our boiler from corrosion on its inner walls !!
Without it, we will theoretically change the water heater relatively faster, because it will be damaged by oxidation and salts. Also, if the boiler and the resistor are filled with salts, then the water heats up more slowly (because the resistor is covered with salts) and the amount of hot water will be less! So we consider the anodes to be needed in a water heater.
Many times, however, even with anodes and whatever you want, removing the resistance for replacement, we will notice the following ...

We never bathe with an open water heater. The classic answer is: "Yes slowly, I have not suffered anything for so many years". Once we will suffer, then we will not know !!!!
It is a good idea to check these components here and there, by calling a Licensed Electrician or even a plumber for a standard test. A visit does not cost much.
Do not leave the water heater on for more than half an hour with three quarters. He does absolutely nothing afterwards !!
Be sure to install a leakage relay on our electrical panel. Firstly it protects us from electric shock and secondly, a current leakage of the resistor will be detected much faster than if we do not have a relay. In case we do not have a relay. these ..... light stings start from the current while we are taking a bath.
In order not to forget it open, we can place a timer, which by pressing the button to turn on the water heater, it will close it at the time we have set it! Attention: NOT a timer, but a Timeline!
How to make a proper Heater Thermostat Adjustment

Damage to our water heater.
What kind of damage can occur over time and how we deal with them.
How do we know that the water heater is faulty? Or that something is definitely wrong? I will try to exhaust every possible cause…
Water heater material on the electrical panel
To consumers: In our electrical panel there is a material which is for the operation of the water heater ...
We will deal again with the "classic" household 80 liter water heater, which has a power of 3500 - 4000Watt. A bipolar switch, a Monopole fuse and an indicator light. These must be the 2X40A switch, the 1X20A fuse, or the 2X20A Bipolar circuit breaker ...
We never handle security. Always turn on the water heater by the bipolar switch. The fuse only serves in case of a short circuit, ie if there is a short circuit in the line or the water heater, it will fall. For operation, it is ONLY the switches.
To consumers:  By turning on the switch on our electrical panel, the water heater starts and heats our water. We all have a light next to the switch, which tells us that… .it turned it on. This is relevant. This light, in essence, indicates that we are sending power to the water heater. But it does not mean that it works, because any damage to the water heater is not visible from this light bulb. This light is used ONLY to see that the material of the water heater in our panel is OK. That is, that the switch or the safety of the water heater is working, so current goes to the water heater !! That alone is the utility of this lamp.
To Electricians:  It is advisable for the indicator light to be supplied with phase and neutral from the raw material and not neutral from the neutral bar. This way we understand if there is a problem with the bipolar switch of the water heater
To Consumer and Electrician:  If we want to have a real indication, then we place a second light bulb on our electrical panel, even next to the other light bulb, which we choose another color to stand out and pulling a cable from the thermostat output, only then will we have an indication that the water heater is working. This will show us that when you turn on the water heater, the water starts to heat up and when it reaches the temperature where the thermostat is set, then the second light goes out! Nevertheless, there is a case for this light to work and the water not to heat up !! Then we come to the conclusion that the resistance of the water heater has played !!! So we move on to the resistance failure.
Resistance change and anodic solar water heater
There are two stages of resistance failure ...
The first  is that the resistance inside the housing is cut, so while everything seems to be working normally, the water does not heat up! This happens relatively early ... The licensed electrician who will come to repair the fault, will ohmically measure the resistance or with a Buzzer to find that it is broken.
The second stage  of resistance failure is when it is completely cut off and the current passes to the water or to the ground (metal parts of the water heater). In this case, when the Electrician removes the resistor, you will see it something like this ...

Installation of electric water heater
In this extremely careful because there are two things: one being  if you have no leakage circuit breaker in your electrical panel, it is certain that we will find you in the tub after a days having electric shock because when the current is switched to metal parts or water and your grounding happens to be poor or non-existent in many cases, then the current will find its way to the earth through your body !! Many incidents have been recorded from deaths in the bathroom due to leakage and poor grounding and in fact recently ...
Tragic death of a 10-year-old !!! from water heaters !!!  http://sehpreveza.gr
The second thing is that the leakage relay falls and then the power will be cut off throughout our installation, at which point we are saved from electric shock. After we saved it (due to a leakage relay) we call a licensed electrician to determine the fault and if there is resistance to replace it.
There are two more cases when the leakage relay falls while the water heater is running. The first case is that the boiler (quite old water heater) or the resistor has punctured and water is running over the connection (electric water heater parts). If you do not have a relay (very badly) or you will be electrocuted or it will short-circuit resulting in the safety of the electrical panel falling ...
2016 Tragic death of 23 years old from electric shock in the bathroom  http://www.biznews.gr
And the second, that the supply cable of the water heater has melted due to bad tightening and that one of the pipes has stuck to the other. Again in this case a licensed installer will solve the problem.
How does the Electrician change the resistance?
Changing the resistance is not an easy thing to do. It requires some techniques such as emptying all the water in the water heater.
If the water heater is solar and located on the roof, things are relatively easy. Close the water switch. Turn off the power switch and start…
Unscrew the resistor (see photo of the resistor) it loosens it and the water will run all the way to the roof (we do not mind and this is the easy solution because it will empty quickly).
The basic "tool" for replacing water heater resistance (inside the house) is the alpha rubber!
Why does the water heater not turn on? thermostat control
But why do we need the alpha tire? Because this fits exactly in the water heater pipe, as well as the water that will empty (about 80 liters) we can not empty it either in basins or at home or in the attic. We have to drive it to some drain, usually a sink, sink or bathtub, etc.
Next step, If the water heater is in the attic or placed upright in a place (vertical water heater), then we must, after we have closed the water and power switch, unscrew both water pipes that are in the water heater, ie the red and the blue. Remove the safety valve and place a αλ .alphado rubber in the hole of the water heater which was the cold water, ie in the blue.
Attention here:  Depending on how the water heater is installed, it is important to push enough or not the tire inside the water heater. It plays a role, if it is leaning horizontally on the loft, we have to put the level rubber to the bottom of the boiler, so that by pulling water, it empties everything ...

If we do not put it well to rest almost on the bottom of the boiler, then water will be left inside, so if the water heater wants to throw, we will find it difficult to carry it. If we only want to change the resistor, it must be emptied to the bottom of the resistor.
If the water heater is mounted horizontally on the wall, then the level hose must be inserted into the boiler just because it is cold, because the cold is always at the low point ...
If it is placed upright on the wall (vertical) then just put it in the cauldron again because the cold is low so we will have flow.
So after we place the spirit level, we go to the sink, we suck and we will see that the water will enter the spirit level and it will come towards us! Drive the tip of the spirit level to the sink drain and wait a few minutes until the water is empty.
There is of course the way with the pipes of the water heater itself. That is: After we have closed the water switch, we take out the cold pipe, we also remove the safety valve, and we screw the hot pipe from the taps, in the hole of the cold water heater !! Blow forcefully into the hole of the "former hot" of the water heater, leave a tap open and the water heater starts and empties. This step of course, if space is possible etc.
Any tools we will need are:  a key 13 and a key 13 more for cons! In many cases the space for cons is very small. In this case the second wrench is simply twisted close to the edge so that it can hold the screw from the bottom. But there are many types of resistors, with different screws, there make sure you have the right tools.
Are we done replacing the resistor?
NO !! And yet, while we have installed the new resistor and we have tightened well and we have made all the connections, water and electric, do  not rush open the water heater switch on the electrical panel !!! The only sure thing is that you will burn the resistance because it will work in the ... air !! You forgot to fill the cauldron with water! What are we doing; So while we have opened the water valve, the water has not gone to the boiler because there are 80 liters of air in the boiler !! To fill the cauldron with water, we must open all the taps in the house so that the cauldron begins to fill with water and the air is removed from inside. For about one to two minutes the taps will vent. Once the water starts to flow normally from the taps, then we are ready. We do a standard check for water leaks in the attic and when we make sure everything is fine, we turn on the switch on our electrical panel and wait 5 minutes to see if our water heats up. We are ok !!
We open the switch on the panel and notice that the water does not heat up! If we have that second light that I told you at the beginning and it does not light, it means that now the thermostat "played" them! Two faults can occur in the thermostat. Either it will throw away the fuse that it has built-in, or it will break instantly. This does not cause leaks or short circuits, just the water heater does not work.
The "grocer" solution is to press the button (fuse) of the thermostat, then it will work again, but this is dangerous, in most cases, the thermostat will do it again immediately, if it does not do it immediately, it is very dangerous to get stuck and please, do not stick to the… open, because then you will either flood or something else will happen.

The correct solution is to call a Licensed Electrician to replace the thermostat.
Another possible electrical fault in the water heater
Very common phenomenon, either due to poor tightening of the connection terminal or due to incorrect cable cross-section, the cables will melt and stick together. Again, a licensed electrician will provide the solution, either by replacing the connection terminal or by replacing the line with the correct cross-section.
Safety valve
The safety valve can also be damaged as a result of which water is dripping or even running and in case the water heater is in the attic, we will understand it if we see water running from the walls or when it starts to smell like mold, because the leak water will be less and what we have stored in the loft will spoil.
More rare problem, but it also happens, the boiler either from the many years it has been maintained or has been forgotten, to puncture, so there we want to replace the water heater.
Water pipes.
It is a common phenomenon, after a while, either because they got old or because they relaxed in the tightening, to run slowly or even more, water from the points where the water pipes join in the water heater. In this case we must immediately replace the water pipes.
I hope I have exhausted any faults of a water heater and that you understand how it is done in any case.
I will repeat some tips, necessary for each case…
 - We have installed a leakage relay on our electrical panel
Tragic death of a 76-year-old from a water heater ... http://www.makeleio.gr/
 - Once a year, we calculate an visit to an electrician to check the condition of the water heater.
 - We never leave the water heater open, more than 45 minutes, it is good enough. The damage that can occur is in many cases irreparable!
 - We do not listen to the advice of some smart people, that well, to always have the water heater on. From the day we enter the house, until it is demolished due to age. Most likely it will be demolished at some point by an explosion !! Let those who suggest it do so in their own home.
 - There are other solutions for better operation and monitoring of our water heater. These are:
1) Inserting a timeline so that we do not forget to open it
2017 Tragic death of a 60-year-old from electric shock in the bathroom  http://www.neakriti.gr
2) Installation of water temperature (thermometer), the water heater, so that we can be sure in any case that it works ...
SIMPLY DIY: The solar does not lower hot water, what should I do?

3) Install a timer, so that we do not forget to open it again. In this case, however, we will know that the hours we will take our bath will be specific! That is, if for example we have set it to work 19:00 - 20:00 only from there and then we will be able to have hot water. Of course there is the solution of the By pass of the timer, but there all this automation is a free gift. So the solution of a journal is the best in each case.
Installation and maintenance instructions for the solar water heater