Telemechanical Terminals Cable terminals
designed to clamp on multi-stranded cables to hold together all the loose wires of the cable and reduce the risk of short circuit. When a screw tightens a multi-stranded wire does not make contact with all the strands and some of them may be cut, this increases the Resistance to the connection can cause HYPERTERMANY and FIRE for this reason you will never see fins without tips. This problem does not exist in the domestic Electrical installations where we use single-stranded cables, but in the Industrial installations where multi-core cables are used due to vibrations, the Akrochitonas are mandatory.

Πρέσα Καστάνια Για Μύτες Tύπου Τελεμεκανίκ 1-6mm
The presses are divided into 5 categories depending on the terminals they will press
1) Terminal presses with insulation
2 Presses for bare terminals
3 Telephone presses

4 Presses for end pipes (Telemican Type Monasteries 0.5-6mm) - Cable ferrules crimper
5) Heavy duty terminal presses KOS which is the exact category: Mechanical, Hydraulic and Electrical, There are of course the presses with multiple molds that press many types of terminals
And finally there is this type of stripper press that presses supposedly category 1 and 2 but in fact does not work and does not press anything properly, but because it is all in one and very economical it is used a lot ...
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Πρέσα Καστάνια Για Μύτες Tύπου Τελεμεκανίκ 1-6mm